About Dice

Language fluency is a craft - and not an easy one to acquire. Anyone who has tried to master a foreign language will be familiar with its peculiarities, for example ... English and Dutch spellings, French verb tenses, or German case structures. It takes a great deal of blood, sweat and tears to overcome these linguistic challenges!

When these skills are applied to the work of a translator, this fluency is elevated to an art form. For translators, an impeccable command of their mother tongue is essential. They should feel completely at home in foreign cultures. Their eye for detail must be ever-present. And they need a subtle 'sixth sense' about the language - its rhythms, nuances and emotions.

Professional translators know when they have achieved excellence - their translation no longer reads as a translation. Their craft has become a piece of real art. But still they are not satisfied as they continue to strive for absolute perfection.

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Main offices

Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 24
2018 Antwerp
Route description

Phone: +32 - (0)3 - 449 52 99
Fax: +32 - (0)3 - 449 54 99
E-mail: info@dice.be

Office Mortsel

Ter Varentstraat 42
2640 Mortsel
Route description

Phone: +32 - (0)3 - 449 52 99
Fax: +32 - (0)3 - 449 54 99
E-mail: info@dice.be